Retour d’expatriation de Chine, emménagement dans le Nord France
During our family relocation from Shanghai to France, Caroline proved to be a strong and reliable partner. Relocation is often a stressful time, a time when family is confronted to challenges and a lack of certainty. Non only could Caroline perfectly understand the specificity of our situation, but she was resourceful and imaginative in the solutions that she provided. When we were confronted with the need of finding a new school for our daughter who was following a specific curriculum (that did not exist in our region), Caroline went the extra mile and managed to find a tailored solution for us. I highly recommend Caroline for any family in need for support during relocation time.
Retrouvez l’ensemble de notre actualité ici : nos dernières informations concernant la relocation et l’aide à la mobilité dans nos derniers articles.
Le pass sanitaire a été mis en place à partir du 21 juillet 2021 ; Il est susceptible de (...)
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+33 (0)783.60.14.41.
Siège : 116, rue Meurein - 59800 Lille